Good health through prevention- learning to prevent ill health through balanced daily and seasonal routines, proper diet, and development of higher states of consciousness all of which bring life increasingly into harmony with natural law.
Long term out come would translate into lower health insurance utilization rates, amounting to fewer hospital days, inpatients days, inpatient admission, out patient visits in all age categories leading to low health cost.
Diet and nutrition- it determining ones diet based on ones physiology and season, promoting optimal nourishment and balanced diet.
Enhances the creative intelligence of persons practicing yoga and meditation.
Increase time competence and increased ability to concentrate on ones work.
Success without stress, meditating and undertaking yoga will reduce depression and anxiety and will lead to a stress free life that will enhance the family life by improving warm interpersonal relationship and improve productivity at work
Increased physical health and longevity in elderly.
Decreased urban crime rate and effective rehabilitation.
Facilitate nerve pruning and rejuvenating the nerves affected by stress.
Self-actualization will increase the reserves of the brain and improve the perception and memory. This also adapts the body by channeling the energy.
Rejuvenates the skin by deep relaxation and naturally slows the ageing process.